Thursday, November 18, 2010

Aromas for the fall and winter

Enjoy seasonal pleasures, reduce stress
Oranges, cinnamon, apples, cloves. Aromas that bring back memories of cool days, family visits, and days spent cooking and feasting. Not only are these evocative scents enough to make a fall day feel cozy, but the aromas of orange, cinnamon and clove can reduce stress when inhaled. Here are two recipes to enjoy this autumn.

Orange Pomanders
The sweet scent of an orange pomander, a traditional Victorian craft, will fill a home with citrus freshness. Cloves can relieve nasal congestion and improve digestion — a bonus around Thanksgiving.
You’ll need unblemished oranges, a pile of large-headed cloves, and a knitting needle or fork for poking holes. Punch holes in the skin of the orange, inserting cloves as you go. Make stripes or cover the orange completely. 

Now place 1 tablespoon each of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves in a paper bag and mix. Roll the clove studded orange in the ground spices to coat evenly. Leave the pomander in the bag and store in a cool, dry area for 3–5 weeks to dry. Each day, roll it around in the spices. 

When it’s dry, shake off excess spices. Display in a bowl or hang with a pretty ribbon.

Mulled cider
Come in from the cold to the heady aroma of mulled cider. Cinnamon is another spice said to help the digestive system as well as fatigue.
Add cinnamon sticks, cloves and fresh orange slices to a pot of apple cider. Use whole spices, not ground, to avoid cloudy, gritty cider.
Simmer gently for at least 1/2 hour to allow flavors to infuse. Don’t boil it as it can turn spices bitter. You can keep the pot warm for several hours — a crock pot is ideal.
Serve in mugs garnished with an orange slice or cinnamon stick.

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