Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Massage Can Ease the Journey Through Cancer

Today is Keeping in Touch's first ever guest post! Melanie Bowen is a writer for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. Melanie joined the MCA in 2011 as an awareness advocate for natural health and cancer cure initiatives. Her work includes highlighting the great benefits of alternative nutritional, emotional, and physical treatments on those diagnosed with cancer or other serious illness. She also assists in social media outreach in her efforts to spread awareness. You can check out Melanie's blog for the MCA here.

Massage has some relaxing effects while relieving muscular discomfort and promoting flexibility. Special techniques can relieve pain, fatigue and stiffness. If you are suffering from any form of cancer such as breast cancer, mesothelioma, lymphoma, skin cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer or any of the other 100 types of the disease, massage can have a powerful effect on your recovery. Massage therapy can benefit you whether you are suffering from cancer, going through treatment or remission.

The method of massage involves the manipulation of the muscles and soft tissue, rubbing and kneading in order to promote relaxation while enhancing the functions of the body tissue. Oncologists massage therapists are specially trained to provide you the proper technique at the appropriate pressure, while providing support of mind, body and spirit through the fun and relaxation of oncology massage.

Each patient can withstand varying degrees of pressure and certain pressure points, depending on your type of cancer and pain level. The therapists and doctor work closely together to put together the perfect plan for you personally, according to your specific needs. Massage works in conjunction with the treatment as prescribed by your doctor.

Your massage therapist will consider your treatment and medical situation as well as your desired outcome in order to help you deal with the cancer. Massage can be effective and safe in promoting recovery during these challenging times. The premise behind oncology massage is to ease your journey through cancer with support from family, loved ones, friends and caregivers.

Massage can improve your quality of life while managing your symptoms of pain. Research has proven that the power of massage can relieve your pain and anxiety, reduce depression and give you more strength and stamina to move forward.

Treatment for cancer brings about its own set of side effects such as fatigue, nausea, pain, bowel problems, infection, memory disorders, depression and other physical and emotional difficulties. The power of massage can relieve many of these side effects to bring relief from nausea, pain, fatigue and emotional disabilities associated with cancer and the treatment plan.

Massage helps in maintaining inner strength and a positive attitude in order to fight the cancer. Working with your oncology massage therapist will help to provide you greater mental and emotional stability while also loosening tension and muscles to find pain relief and more comfort in life.

Other benefits include an improved blood circulation, removal of toxins in the body as well as stabilizing your blood pressure. Massage does not claim to be a cure for cancer but rather give you mental and emotional stability and well-being to beat this demon. Alleviating the aches and pains that linger in your lymph nodes and tiring muscles can bring a great sense of relief for you, along with the support of loved ones and family.

Massage therapy along with the prescribed treatment plan of your doctor, good nutrition and exercise can bring about a quicker recovery. The power of massage can provide you the overall health and well-being necessary to return to your normal way of living with more energy.

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